Product Design

Product Design Services

Industrial and Product Design

  • CAD
  • CAM
  • 3D Printing
  • Prototyping
  • Market Research
  • Design for Manufacturing
  • Design for Assembly
  • Plastic injection mould tooling design
  • CNC

Product Design Customers include:

Here is a video with Shane (from Fluid Kayaks) and me (Bertrand) talking about the design work I did for Fluid:

I redesigned the whitewater kayak outfitting for Fluid Kayaks. The project involved working closely with Celliers Kruger (the owner of Fluid Kayaks). The project included concept design, solid modelling in CAD, FEA analysis of parts and prototyping.

This business is not taking on any new customers. We are slowly winding down as the owner has moved to the USA.

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